JUNKIE by 'Willam Lee' (William S. Burroughs) (Ace, 1953)
Character name: Real name:
Old Bart Bart
The Black Bastard El Negro
Cash Wig Walters
Evans Kells Elvins
"friend in New York" Allen Ginsberg
Bill Gains William Garver
Herman Herbert Huncke
Old Ike Dave Tercerero
Irish Johnny Irish
Jack Bob Brandinburg
Joey Bozo
William Lee William S. Burroughs
Lizzie Vickie Russell
Lonny the Pimp Lindy
Lupita Lola La Chata
Marian Stephanie Stewart
Mary Vickie Russell
"my wife" Joan Burroughs
Norton Hoagy Norman
"one of these junkies" John Hoffmann
Pat Joe Ricks
Peter Jack Kerouac
Rollins Kells Elvins
Roy Phil White
Tige Link
Whitey Whitey

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